Blue River Below Dillon Reservoir |
Flow: 1300 cfs. |
Conditions: Flows have jumped and fishing is tenuous. Nymphing continues to provide the most consistent action with an increase in food coming from the higher flow out of the dam. That being said, for the seasoned angler, the rewards have been good. The key will be locating the quieter holding water and using enough weight. When you think you have enough weight on, add more. These type of conditions are most rewarding for the single angler or for multiple anglers that are patient enough to take turns in the same spot. Stomach pumps of landed fish really are showing the focus by the fish on the Mysis Shrimp. You can try a midge here and there, but we wouldn’t make it the focal point of your rig. Flies: Charlie’s Mysis, BTS Mysis, Stalcup’s Mysis, Medallion midge 20-24, UV Emerger black 20-24, Kingery’s Capt’n Hook 20, Garcia’s Rojo Midge Red or Black 20. |
Blue River Below Green Mountain |
Flow: 866 cfs. |
Conditions: Flow has dropped here due to a generator failure in the power plant. Look for these flows to hold for a couple of days before ramping back up once the problem is fixed. When it does go back up it may go even larger that prior to the problem, to compensate for the days at lower releases. Best option is going to be nymph fishing. Make sure to use enough weight and a good deep set up. Please respect private property rights along the river. Flies: Larger size Bead Head Nymphs: #10-12 Hare’s ear, Prince, Tungteaser, Tungsten Rubber Leg Yellow Sally, Stubby Stone, San Juan Flash Worm and Red Hot Worm. |
Colorado River Above Kremmling |
Flow: 4545 cfs. |
Conditions: Very high, off color and out of the banks in most spots. The middle park valley is reminiscent of a Cambodian Rice Field at the moment. Definitely wait for this water to subside. |
Colorado River Pumphouse to Dotsero |
Flow: 8130 cfs. |
Conditions: Off color and high water. There is some slim hope of catching a brief window of clarity combined with the right spot on the river to get a fish to eat, but let’s be realistic, it is going to be a while for this piece of water. Look for the flows to level out or even drop a little bit for that to be a better chance. Flies: (if you must) Big Stone fly patterns: Kaufman stones, Bitch Creek, Berry’s Super Stone Salmon, Tungsten 20 incher. As well as try a Baetis nymph or two: Barr’s Emerger, Juju Baetis, Mercer’s Gidget. And throw in a caddis for good measure: Morrish’s Super Pupa Bright Green, Buckskin Caddis. |
Colorado Below Glenwood Springs |
Flow 19200 cfs. |
Conditions: Big and dirty, good for a boat ride. Don’t miss the stop at Dairy Queen, river-right, just past the bridge in West Glenwood. Or for an entertaining side trip, check out the surfers on the stationary wave just above the West Glenwood bridge. The closest thing to Pipeline the mainland has seen. |
Arkansas River Above Buena Vista |
Flow: 752-1400 cfs. |
Conditions: Flows are up dramatically the last couple of days and clarity is likewise down significantly. Nymphing with searching patterns would be a safe approach right now, make sure to add enough weight to compensate for the bigger flows. For all you streamer junkies out there, give this one a try in the upper reaches from Hayden Meadows down to the Lake Creek confluence. Flies: Bead Pheasant Tail, Hot Wire Prince, Iron Sally, Tung Teaser, Twenty Incher, Slump Buster Black, Bead Head Rubber Leg Brown Bugger, Le Marabou Leech. |
Arkansas River Below Buena Vista |
Flow: 1910 cfs. |
Conditions: On the rise and out of the angler comfort zone for this section of river. While we never say never, fishing here is going to be a tough slog for now. There may be an odd quiet water lie that could produce a fish or two, but I wouldn’t get too crazy. Flies: Bead Head Pheasant Tail, Tungstone Golden, Chartreuse Hot Wire Caddis, Streamer Patterns. |
Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs |
Flow: 5330 cfs. |
Conditions: See you in a couple of weeks, this one is over for now. Check back on The Roaring Fork as the spring goes on, this is a great river right after run off. |
Platte South River, Middle Fork |
Flow: 137=+/- cfs. |
Conditions: Water levels have come up, but clarity offers good opportunity. Tomahawk has been fishing well for numbers, just not seeing any fish of larger stature but, a good option right now for those that want to fish moving water without the risk of being swept away. Flies: Hare’s ear, Red or Copper flavored Copper John, Buckskin caddis, STD Baetis, Tungsten Psycho, Barr’s BWO Emerger. |
South Platte, Dream Stream |
Flow: 103 cfs. |
Conditions: Well, the flows that had finally come up, have now pulled back slightly. This will have a little effect on the comfort level of the fish for a day or three, but they will readjust and then hopefully be on the feed. Midges are the most consistent offering but the Baetis nymphs are also a good source of forage. The caddis activity should start to pick up soon, so look to fish a larva or pupa offering as well. Most of the spawning is wrapping up, but please be aware of fresh Redds and avoid disturbing them or the fish on them. Flies: Jujubee zebra 20-22, UV Emerger 20-24, Black Beauty 22-24, RS-2 Black or Dun 20-24, Buckskin #18, Rock worm Caddis #16-18. |
Williams Fork River Below Dam |
Flow 616 cfs. |
Conditions: The river has jumped up from the low winter flow that lasted until just a few days ago. Unfishable volume, out of its banks and into the grass. It may be some time before this stretch is fishable again. |
Antero Reservoir |
Conditions: Fishing is steadily improving on this impoundment. Nymphing under an indicator has produced some solid results, when anglers have been able to get out and stay on the water. Weather has been the factor here as well. Please exercise caution when venturing out onto this impoundment. It is not uncommon for winds to blow 20mph with gusts to 40 at this time of year. The Division of Wildlife will once again be doing inspections for invasive species at the boat ramp. Allow for a little extra time before launching any trailered boats. The South boat ramp is only open Friday-Monday, mid week boaters will have to use the North ramp. Chironomids have been the best bet, with additional action on standard searching nymphs. As for the Flies: Bead Head Hare’s Ear and Pheasant Tails 12-16, Copper John Chartreuse or Red 14-16, Jumbo Juju all colors 12-16, Yankee Buzzer 12-16, Zebra Midge 20. |
Spinney Mountain Reservoir |
Conditions: This lake is also fishing well, when not impacted by the spring winds that have been ranging from light to very gusty at times. Fishing along the banks is still producing some nice fish along the Dam, although the number of those “Spawners” is dwindling. Activity is picking up in the lake from boats with a mix of subsurface patterns fished primarily under a static nymph rig with an indicator, but some fish are being taken with a slow retrieve. Flies: Jumbo Juju all colors 12-16, Hare’s Ear 12-16, Yankee Buzzer, Otters Egg Patterns, Black Midge Biot 20. |
Delaney Buttes Lakes |
Conditions: Action has been good on the East and South Lakes as they have been open for a few weeks. Look for a few bank cruisers to still be around taking the normal spawning offerings. As the fish disperse back out into the body of the lake we are seeing fish active on a variety of flies. As with ALL of these lake options, try to mix it up in your selection until you hit on something that the fish appear to be keying on. A good method is to fish a nymph rig under and indicator with 2 or even 3 different patterns. Present the fish with something to imitate the Callibaetis nymphs, as well as a Chironomid and maybe even a Damsel nymph. Once the action picks up, you can determine if there is preference for a particular bug and then offer other imitations of that insect. Ice out has just finally fully occurred on the North lake in the past week and reports for that lake have been inconsistent, but we expect it to offer its usual opportunities for trophy Brown Trout. Flies: Jumbo Juju 12-16, Yankee Buzzer 12-16, Mercer’s Poxyback Callibaetis, CDC Callibaetis nymph, Wilcox’s Rapunzel, Bead Head Aggravator Olive. |