Report for January 1.
A very happy New Year to all.
Winter fishing remains relatively productive as good stream flows on the Blue River continue to provide a steady flow of Mysis Shrimp through town. Although, this is the peak season for holiday traffic in the county and some days have had heavy angler pressure, others have been wide open, providing plenty of room to move around.
Elsewhere, with the milder temperatures we have had over the past couple of weeks, there are a few non-tailwater options offering a little diversity to Winter fishing at the moment. The Roaring Fork from Basalt to Glenwood, as well as the Arkansas from Stone Bridge downstream to Wellsville to name a couple. Now that we are on the positive side of the Winter Solstice and the days are slowly getting longer, hopefully there will be more options in this category soon.
Don’t hesitate to call us for current conditions as well, we’ll do our best to try and interpret changing stream flow readings with you. Or follow us on Twitter @coloradoangler, where we try to post changing conditions as we learn about them.
Detailed reports on the right side of this page will give more specific information on a particular stretch of river. Make sure to check those out for your river of interest, as they will be able to answer questions pertaining to hatches and flies.
Please feel free to call us at The Colorado Angler, at any time to discuss any questions and concerns you may have about the current conditions. There is a lot of information here on this page as well as on our main page at but, space is limited and we may not have answered all of your questions. We want to make sure you get the information you are looking for. Toll Free 855-CO TROUT (268-7688) or stop by and see us in the Summit Place shopping center in Silverthorne, next to Blue Moon Bakery, Exit 205 on I-70, then south 1 block. Spring Hours: Monday – Saturday 8 am – 6 pm, Sunday 8 am – 5 pm
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Blue River Below Dillon Reservoir
Flow: 129 cfs. |
Conditions: Flows have once again climbed up above 100 and are currently running slightly more than double what is typical for this time of year. This continues to provide some of the best winter fishing conditions here on the Dillon tailwater in almost a decade. With the extra volume comes a greater diversity in food choices, as the Mysis fishery really kicks in at any flow over 100 cfs. Shrimp imitations have been very productive once again, comprising at least 50 and up to 70 percent of the action some days. Along with the solid influx of Mysis into the river, midge activity has also been consistent with imitations through all life cycles producing good results. Tandem nymph rigs pairing a Mysis pattern with a midge imitation of some sort have been the most consistent throughout the day but, keep an eye out for noses to push through the film taking emerging midges, which can vary from late morning to later in the afternoon. Black, Chocolate and Grey have been the strongest midge colors, with some lesser action on Red. The past two weeks we have seen a noticeable rise in angler numbers, with the holiday season in fill swing. That may not taper off until after the 5th when the crowds in town recede. After that, it should return to normal, with Saturday seeing the majority of traffic and mid-week being relatively quiet.
Town Flies: Spaghetti and Meatballs (San Juan Worm Patterns and Eggs) Candy Cane #20, BTS Mysis #16-22, RS-2 #22-24, STD Baetis #20, Black or Chocolate UV Emerger #22-24, Kingery’s Cap’n Hook #20-22, Pure Midge Larva #20-24, Black Beauty #20-24, Tube Midge Black or Red #20-22, Medallion Midge #22-24, Split case BWO #20, Winter Baetis #20-22, Desert Storm #20-24, Rainbow Warrior #20, #22 BWO Adult, Adult Midge Dark, Brook’s Sprout Midge #22-24, Parachute Adams #24-26, Split Case BWO, Extended Body BWO, Parachute Purple
Blue River Below Green Mountain
Flow: 263 cfs. |
Conditions: Mid-Winter flows continue to run about typical for the season and that should continue with only moderate fluctuations up to 50 cfs intermittently through the Winter. At this flow, wading is once again the best way to fish the canyon, and crossing should be manageable for strong waders. Overall conditions are considered tough for all but the most experienced Winter Anglers. The canyon is deep and gets very little sunshine at any point in the day and being on the edge of the “Middle Park inversion” temperatures are usually about 8 to 15 degrees colder than up river in Silverthorne. The hill down to the river is very steep and snow packed, making not only getting to the water dangerous but, getting back out difficult. The resulting slide-for-life can be hell on waders. As is typical of this stretch, standard two fly nymph rigs are going to be the most consistent, with a medium to large fly leading a smaller imitation for the Baetis or Midge pattern as the trailing fly. Try running a larger beaded Pheasant Tail or Tung Teaser followed up with a Juju Baetis, Zebra Midge or Poison Tung. Don’t skimp on the weight either, as the faster pocket water is all about getting the fly down quickly before the short drift is over. Dry fly action is going to be spotty as best but, there may be a chance to find a rising fish in the slack water or foamy seams of an eddy. It would also still be worth bringing along a streamer or two, as this stretch can hold some of the nicest Browns in the state. Still a good option for those looking for some solitude and the chance at some quality fish.
Flies: Big bead heads: Hare’s Ear, Tungteaser, Pheasant Tail, Stubby Stone, Twenty Incher, Rubberlegs, Psycho Prince, Mr Peacock Ice, Flossy Worm, Split Case BWO, Barr’s BWO, Juju Baetis, Zebra Midge, Poison Tung, Winter Baetis, Black Beauty, Rojo Midge, Otter Egg
Floaters should note: The river volume on this stretch of water can change on an infrequent schedule and often. It is important to know the flow before you launch and make an honest assessment of your ability and watercraft capability. Please respect private property rights along the river.
Colorado River Above Kremmling (Parshall)
Flow: 200 ???? cfs. @ Parshall |
Conditions: Stream flows are an educated guess as the gauges are out of commission due to ice but, they have been relatively consistent over the past several weeks now, as Winter releases from the Willie’s have stabilized. The “Middle Park” valley is know for it’s cold temperature inversion in the Winter so, be prepared with an extra layer and be patient for things to heat up on the river. Always a staple for the winter angler, the Parshall area has been seeing some decent action when conditions allow. With low flows, the nights where the temperature drops below zero can have an adverse effect on conditions, particularly the early morning as ice flow has been an issue. However, when the channel is free from drifting ice it is worth the drive. Mid-day tends to be the most productive, with subsurface flies providing the majority of results. Fish a tandem nymph rig with a mix of the usual small Midge and Baetis imitations along with some slightly larger offerings for the mix of Mayflies, Stones and odd worms that are in this fertile stretch of river. Early in the day fish have been hanging towards the tail out of most pools then, as the day warms and insect activity picks up, moving towards the head of pools and runs to pick up drifting nymphs and emergers below the riffles. That being said, watch for subtle rise forms to take emerging Midges later in the afternoon maybe as late as 3pm, when the wind isn’t too strong. Results have been good with a midge emergers and dries in size #20-24.
Flies: BLM Black, Two Bit Hooker, Zebra Midge, RS2, Poxybiot Nymph, Pheasant Tail, WD-40, Split Case BWO, Juju Baetis, Baetis Big Bear, Para Extended Body BWO, CDC Baetis Dun, Winger Parachute, Pure Midge Larva, Tidbit Midge, Medallion Midge, Poison Tung, UV Emerger, Flossy Worm, Pat’s Rubber Legs, Slumpbuster, LE Marabou Streamer.
Colorado River Pumphouse to Dotsero
Flow: 400????? cfs. |
Conditions: Mostly ice for the near future. Particularly between Gore Canyon and Two Bridges. There will be a few spots with open channels scattered around but, those will be few and far between and offer little consistency in action. Although this area gets less snow than higher locales up river, it is cold and the the canyon stretches don’t see much sun in the Winter. If you are in the area and find an ice free run give it a go with a mix of nymphs here on the list.
Flies: Tungteaser, Rubberlegs, Beaded Pheasant Tails, Beaded Hares Ears, Tungsten Prince, RS2’s, Split Case BWO, Barr’s Emerger, Juju Baetis, Blue Ribbon Emerger, Two Bit Hooker, Gidget Olive, Parachute Extended Body BWO, Para Adams, Para Wulff BWO, Miscellaneous Streamers: Sculpzilla, Silver Bullet, Space Invader, Beldar, Bead Head Buggers in Black or White
Colorado Below Glenwood Springs
Flow 1680 cfs. |
Conditions: Some opportunities for a little bit a action scattered around in town and below. The Lower Colorado can offer some pretty decent fishing, particularly for those familiar with where to park and access the river, and with it’s proximity to the highway, this can be a bit tough at times. Nor is this option for everybody, again given the fact that it runs along an interstate highway but, with a little bit of effort and a sense of adventure, a committed angler can open up a whole new fishery to enjoy. Typical winter rules: fish the warmer part of the day, best on nymph rigs with the occasional emergence of Midges bringing a few risers to the surface. Use a good mix of beaded searching and Stonefly nymphs, along with Baetis and Midge imitations to figure out the “fly du jour”.
Flies: Mr Peacock Ice, Pat’s Rubber Legs, Tungteaser, Bead Prince, Twenty Incher, Tungsten Pheasant Tail, Bead Prince, Bead Hares Ear, Tungstone, Barr’s Emerger, Zebra Midge, Juju Baetis, Poison Tung, Winter Baetis, Sculpzilla, Space Invader, Silver Bullet
Arkansas River Above Buena Vista
Flow: 99 cfs. @ Granite |
Conditions: Pretty much ice for now. There is a little bit of open water there just below the Lake Creek at Balltown but, that gives way to ice again by Granite. Best bet for the Arkansas is to look in the open valley stretch from Stone Bridge down to Wellsville where a better exposure to sunshine will help break up the ice flow and offer some decent Winter fishing except for the coldest days.
Flies: Beaded Hares Ear, Hot Wire Prince, Beaded Pheasant Tail, Copper John, Hot Wire Caddis, Tung Z Wing Caddis, Tungteaser, CDC Hares Ear, Twenty Incher, Mr Peacock, RS-2, Zebra Midge, White Streamers
Arkansas River Salida Area
Flow: 252 cfs. @ Salida |
Conditions: Stable flows and clarity are providing for a consistent pattern of action on the stretch from Stone Bridge down through Salida and into Big Horn Sheep Canyon towards Wellsville. This stretch will see the greatest amount of sunshine helping to keep the river relatively ice free for all but the coldest nights. There may be some mornings after the over night temps drop under 20 that the river has some ice flow in it but, once the sun warms the air up into the 30s this will dissipate, once again allowing for productive drifts of your flies. A good two fly nymph rig is the most effective at the moment, start with a beaded searching nymph or small Stonefly pattern, followed up with a smaller Baetis or Midge pattern. As is typical for this time of year best results are late morning to late afternoon, once the day has a chance to warm up water temps. Early in the day expect to find fish hanging in the deeper parts of runs and skirting the faster currents. As the day moves into the middle of the day those fish will move towards the head of runs and into the bottom of riffles as they look to feed on Baetis and Midge nymphs adrift in the current.
Worth Noting: This is now the second year of a two year program to re-establish Pteronarcys Californica to the Arkansas. Over the past 2 years CPW has transplanted about 70 thousand Salmonfly nymphs from the Colorado River to the Arkansas and distributed them just above and below Salida. We are keeping an optimistic eye on the river here to see if this insect will take hold and produce a revived population.
Flies: Bead Head Pheasant Tail # 14-16, Tungstone Golden #12-16, Tungsten Yellow Sally, Iron Sally, Chartreuse Copper John #12-16, Chartreuse Hot Wire Caddis, Hot Wire Prince, Pat’s Rubber Legs #8, Para Extended Body BWO, Hippie Stomper.
Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs
Flow: 447 cfs. |
Conditions: With some of the milder temperatures over the past couple of weeks, there is some good open water to fish throughout the valley. Particularly in Basalt, below the confluence with the Pan, as well as some spots from Glenwood up to Carbondale. Pressure has been a little heavier in the Basalt area at times but, there is plenty of room to spread out. Tandem nymph rigs with 4-6x tippets have been solid. With the fertility of this river, it is still a good idea to mix in some of the standard Mayfly, Stonefly and Searching nymphs that work well in the Summer. Maybe lead with a #12-16 in one of those patterns then follow that up with a lighter tippet size and a Midge or Baetis pattern of your liking.
Flies: Twenty Incher, Tungteaser, Stubby stones, Beaded Pheasant Tail, Standard Pheasant Tail, Pat’s Rubber Legs, Tungstone, Copper Johns, Hares Ear, Mr. Peacock, CDC Prin, Split Case BWO, Barr’s BWO Emerger, RS 2, Tungsten Psycho May, Hot Wire Prince, Two Bit Hooker, STD Baetis and a variety of Eggs.
South Platte River, Middle Fork
Flow: ??? cfs. |
Conditions: Low flows, wind and cold temperatures have done their best to shut this one down for the year. Not much to offer, as ice covers most of the river. With somewhat mild temps the past couple of weeks there will be some open pockets here and there but, nothing consistent and certainly prone to ice flow. If you happen to be driving through and are curious, then give it a shot with the usual searching nymph patterns along with Midge and Baetis imitations. On a positive note, you should have the place to yourselves.
Flies: Chartreuse Copper John, Rainbow Warrior, Egg Patterns, Hot Wire Prince, Beaded Flash Prince, Tungteaser, Tung Psycho May, Zebra Midge, Poison Tung, Rainbow Warrior, Autumn Splendor, Slumpbuster, Sparkle Bugger
South Platte, Dream Stream
Flow 81 cfs. |
Conditions: Actually a decent amount of water for this time of year. The spawn is over so, that should weed out some of the crowds that can clog this place in the Fall. Fine tippets and a good drag free drift will be in order through the Winter. Sight fishing will still produce the best results, as there just aren’t that many spots on this stretch for blind casting to a pile of fish in a deep run. When sight nymphing make sure to use an adequate amount of weight to get down to fish that are holding along the bottom and try to go with out an indicator or at least refrain from using an overly bight color if possible. The fish in this Tailwater seem to be as sensitive to indicators as any spot in the state. With that in mind, try and minimize your wading as much as possible and cast form the bank where you can reach. A deliberate, stealthy approach is going to be your best bet here. Small Midge and Mayfly nymphs in sizes #20-24 are some of the most productive, and the occasional SJW and Egg Pattern can still pull a few fish as well.
Flies: Black Copper John #22, Juju Baetis, Desert Storm Chartreuse, Tube Midge, Midge Biot, UV Emerger, Poison Tung, Zebra Midge Black/Silver, Barr’s Emerger BWO, RS2, Poxybiot Nymph, Egg Patterns, Pure Midge Larva, Cap’n Hook
Williams Fork River Below Dam
Flow 44 cfs. |
Conditions: Getting down to a relatively low flow even for this smaller stature tailwater. That is going to make the fishing a little more technical as fish will not be too wide spread, rather they will be holed up in the few deeper holding areas, and feeling a little bit pressured on top of that. Traffic has been relatively light considering the popularity of this Winter fishery but, some days it seems as if everybody had the same idea on where to go. Lighter tippet and a stealthy approach will make a difference in angler success. Nymph fishing should remain the most productive method but, not necessarily deep nymphing, as we have had some recent success on midge emerger patterns fished higher in the column. So mix up your depth and weight amounts as you cover the river. Along with the midge type stuff also look for action on Caddis, Stonefly and Baetis nymphs along with some San Juan Worm imitations.
Flies: Caddis Larva, Flash Back Pheasant Tail, Hatching Midge, Split Case BWO, Tungsten Psycho May BWO, Pure Midge Larva, Rainbow Warrior, Rojo Midge, Biot mayfly Emerger, #20-22 Green Copper John, Zebra Midge, RS2’s, 5-0 Midge, UV Emerger, BWO dries.
Antero Reservoir
Conditions: Ice is on and fishing is allowed through the winter. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea but, if you are looking for something to do this Winter, give the hard water a try. It may give you a new perspective the next time you are bobbing around in your float tube.
Flies: Yankee Buzzer, Jumbo Juju, Tak’s Chironomid, Garcia’s Rojo Grande Midge, Rapunzel Damsel, Gaviglio’s Calibaetis Nymph, Poxyback Calibaetis Nymph, Hare’s Ear, Copper John
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Conditions: The Park has closed for the season. There is no access to the lake until the spring thaw clears the lake of ice.
Delaney Buttes Lakes
Conditions: Our sources say that the ice is on and safe, with some moderate action to report. Just to the East on Lake John, things look to be very active, as well.
Flies: Egg Patterns, Bead Pheasant Tail, Bead Hare’s Ear, Copper John, Jumbo Juju, Zebra Midge, Tak’s Chironomid, Hale Bopp Leech