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June 24th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update Tuesday Morning – June 24, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update Tuesday Morning – June 24, 2014

This morning’s update will be limited in it’s current status to the water below Kremmling.  Not because the hatch is done in the upper stretches near Parshall and Beyer’s Canyon rather, we didn’t have anyone fish up there yesterday.  Every one of our guides that went out chose to hit the stretch from Gore Canyon […]

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June 23rd, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Hatch Update, Monday Morning June 23, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Hatch Update, Monday Morning June 23, 2014

Plenty of action yet on the upper Colorado River to the Salmonfly, we’ll start with the stretch above Kremmling since that is the truest emergence still happening. There are still some decent numbers of adults scattered around from Sunset Ranch up to the top of Beyer’s Canyon, with the heavier numbers being in the canyon […]

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June 18th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update Wednesday Morning – June 18th

Colorado River Salmonfly Update Wednesday Morning – June 18th

Salmonfly action continues on the Colorado River both above and below Kremmling. Above Kremmling we are seeing good numbers of adult insects wide spread through the public access points from Sunset Ranch up into Beyer’s Canyon.  Tuesday morning there were plenty of bugs flying but, little interest from fish for the dries.  Our best action […]

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June 16th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Hatch Update – Monday Morning June 16, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Hatch Update – Monday Morning June 16, 2014

Good Salmonfly action continues on the Colorado River in two different locations. The upper stretch, in the Parshall area up into Beyer’s Canyon continues to see an emergence that is reflective of a full on hatch.  Good numbers of bugs remain present in the bushes and rocks adjacent to the river throughout the day, which […]

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June 15th, 2014

Salmonfly Update Sunday Morning – June 15, 2014

Salmonfly Update Sunday Morning – June 15, 2014

A relatively strong emergence of adult Salmonflies has emerged in the upper part of the river.  The best concentration appears to be in the Beyer’s Canyon area, down to Parshall.  Below the confluence with the Williams Fork, flows are much higher and colder, and we haven’t been able to find as good of a distribution of […]

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June 14th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Saturday June 14

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Saturday June 14

The Big news today is the advancement of the hatch upstream to the more wade friendly water above Parshall.  Yesterday we saw good numbers of adult Salmonflies in Beyer’s Canyon and below.  More importantly, the fish were on ’em, with solid dry fly action in the afternoon.  River levels are still high, with a 1,500 cfs reading at Hot Sulphur […]

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June 13th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Hatch Update Friday Morning – June 13, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Hatch Update Friday Morning – June 13, 2014

Thursday on the river was another good day of fishing in places.  There are still good numbers of adult Pteronarcys present in the stretch of river from Gore Canyon down stream towards State Bridge.  However, we saw considerably fewer bugs in the wide open valley type terrain and much greater concentrations of flying Salmonflies in […]

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June 12th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Thursday Morning June 12, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Thursday Morning June 12, 2014

Wednesday saw a continuation of solid action on adult Salmonfly patterns, particularly in the afternoon.  With good numbers of naturals still clinging to stream side willows and rocks, it appears as if there is still a decent amount of emerging insects coming out of the river daily.   Again, it is nearly impossible to get a […]

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June 11th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Wednesday Morning June 11, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Wednesday Morning June 11, 2014

With two consecutive days of high sun after Sunday’s cool and rainy weather, Tuesday saw a huge increase in the number of adult Salmonflies flying over the river.  Interest for dry fly imitations was certainly elevated and action was strong at times, particularly in the afternoon. We had two guides on the water yesterday and […]

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June 10th, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Tuesday June 10, 2014

Colorado River Salmonfly Update – Tuesday June 10, 2014

Good numbers of Salmonfly adults remain present along the river from Gore Canyon down to State Bridge.  It is hard to say how many nymphs remain ready to emerge, as flows are still too high to get a good survey of rocks against the banks. Monday saw a return to sunny skies and warming temperatures […]

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