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Conditions overall continue to shine, with good reports coming in from many of our high country locations. If looks as if all of the rivers that rose late last week, have pulled back slightly and continue to offer great options for anglers. Temperatures across the central mountains have remained slightly lower as a trend the last few days and that is having a great effect on water quality. Forecasts for the coming weekend call for sun with rising temperatures so, be sure to keep an eye on river levels before venturing out on the water.
Detailed reports on the right side of this page will give more specific information on a particular stretch of river. Make sure to check those out for your river of interest, as they will be able to answer questions pertaining to hatches and flies.
Fishing at this time remains good to excellent, it just takes a little extra energy before you head out for the day, to make sure conditions haven’t changed adversely on your river of choice. Don’t hesitate to give us a call for the most up to date conditions, the last thing we want to hear is a fishing trip spoiled by bad conditions at a particular river, when there are better options out there that day.
It should be noted that with the warm weather, we are seeing the impact on stream conditions both in clarity and a slight bump in volume. This is not to be confused with “Runoff”. Generally any coloration is short lived (a day or two) and localized in nature, or may come later in the day and clear off overnight. You should be able to work around it and find some water with enough clarity.
Please feel free to call us at The Colorado Angler, at any time to discuss any questions and concerns you may have about the current conditions. There is a lot of information here on this page as well as on our main page at but, space is limited and we may not have answered all of your questions. We want to make sure you get the information you are looking for. Toll Free 855-CO TROUT (268-7688) or stop by and see us in the Summit Place shopping center in Silverthorne, next to Blue Moon Bakery, Exit 205 on I-70, then south 1 block. Spring Hours: Monday – Saturday 8 am – 6 pm, Sunday 8 am – 5 pm
Blue River Below Dillon Reservoir
Flow: 53 cfs. |
Conditions: Flows continue to remain low and steady. Good clarity coming from the Dam but, expect just a little bit of color as you move north and a little snow melt runs into the main river. We do expect these low flows to continue for some time as snow-pack is lower than average. Action through town has been fairly solid. There has been a good mix of resident fish being caught in amongst the new additions that Parks and Wildlife introduced to the river a few weeks back. Reports have included fish taking dries at times in town, not just the typical nymphing that is generally most productive. As far as flies, the fish have been focusing their attention on a variety of options, again this can partially be attributed to the mix of resident and introduced fish. So, definitely start with imitative patterns of the present food options of the Tailwater, ie. Midge and Mysis variations and as a bonus, now you can go ahead and work in some general searching patterns, in sizes that may not require magnification to tie on. Crowds continue to be brisk, as is expected this time of year combined with the productive conditions. Town Flies: RS-2, Black or Chocolate UV Emerger, Kingery’s Cap’n Hook, Black Pheasant Tail, Flashback Pheasant, Black Beauty, Rojo Midge, Winter Baetis, Desert Storm, Rainbow Warrior, BTS Mysis, Stalcups Mysis, Candy Cane, Tungteaser, Hare’s Ear, Red or Copper Copper John, Flossy Worm
Blue River Below Green Mountain
Flow: 73 cfs. |
Conditions: Access Restriction: Due to road work being done on the road across the Dam and it’s approach, the Dam itself is closed to all traffic. For access during construction, anglers will have to take the road around the west side of the reservoir, from the south, in order to get to the access below the Dam. Fishing access will remain open. Fishing Conditions: A slight bump up in flows (very slight) will add a little more room for the fish, but still water levels are very low. While the reservoir is coming up, it is doing so at a snails pace and we expect this to be the situation until at least mid to late May. The Silver lining to all of this is it does make for great access for wade fishermen, although the fish will be a little more sensitive with the reduction in cover. There is a good mix of patterns working right now from larger Stonefly patterns down to Midge and Baetis imitations. Best bet would be a double nymph rig anchored with a larger offering trailing something smaller, to get an idea on the flavor of the day. Definitely use caution on getting down to and back up from the river. The hill is steep and doesn’t provide a lot of footholds. Flies: Larger size Bead Head Nymphs: #10-12 Hare’s ear, Prince, Tungteaser, Tungsten Rubber Leg Yellow Sally, Stubby Stone, San Juan Flash Worm and Red Hot Worm, Big Bear Baetis, Juju Baetis – standard and purple, Barr’s Emerger, Split Case BWO, Jujubee, Poison Tung, UV Emerger. Floaters should note: The take out that has been used for years is no longer available, that property is now private. For boat take out you now need to continue on down the Blue to the access ramp for the Gore Canyon put-in. this is approximately another mile. Please respect private property rights along the river.
Colorado River Above Kremmling
Flow: 225+/- cfs. |
Conditions: Flows here are maintaining, relatively speaking, at a fairly consistent level. There have been and will continue to be, some ups and downs dependent on air temperatures, but nothing that has blown out the fishing. Still the same, this is one of the most consistent access points anywhere in the state. Action has been fairly solid and mid day temps relatively mild. Tandem nymph rigs continue to offer the most consistent results. Either with a Baetis to Midge combo or a double offering of either. There are still plenty of Midges around and fish have been keying on those imitations, primarily below the surface with all of the sunshine we have been enjoying. But if the clouds roll in, you may experience a nice dry fly event. Blue Winged Olives are also starting to become a viable option as well and will intensify towards the end of April and into May. As runoff along the upper river increases and clarity stains a little, San Juan Worm patterns are also a solid anchor to well presented nymph rig. The stream flow gauge for this site is finally back up and working for the season as ice is but a distant memory. Flies: San Juan Worm, Biot Midge, Barr’s Emerger, Juju Baetis, RS-2, Pheasant Tail, Winter Baetis, WD-40 Andrew’s 5-0, Split Case BWO, Pure Midge Larve,Rojo Midge, Otter Milking Egg
Colorado River Pumphouse to Dotsero
Flow: 465 cfs. |
Conditions: Seeing a slight drop in water levels again, as Muddy Creek begins to drop following it’s peak last week. Clarity has taken a slight hit up here with the added volume, but that should start to improve again. What may have had a larger impact on the fishing here over last weekend, is water temps. As the flow rose and air temperatures cooled, water temperatures dropped a dramatic 6 degrees from what they were previous. We are now seeing those numbers climb again to almost a full recovery and expect this to show in improved feeding. Expect continued results on Blue Winged Olive patterns, as that has been the most consistent hatch lately, but as those water temps climb, we should transition into a bit a Caddis action as well. After that, the Grand Daddy of them all: Salmonflies. The BWOs have been hatching mid-day and we would expect that to happen a little earlier as the water temps rise with sunnier conditions. Midges still remain a part of the current diet but, in lesser numbers and most productively, early in the day. Kick seine samples are showing good development in Salmonfly nymphs and we are expecting them to be a solid hatch this year, particularly with these lower flows. With that in mind, it is always a good idea to work some larger searching patterns or Stonefly nymphs into the mix. With this extremely low flow, the wade fishing is a very viable option and there have been quite of few wade anglers enjoying the action. Boaters should take note of the very low flows and make an honest assessment of their ability and water craft before descending into Little Gore Canyon. Flies: Bead Pheasant Tails, Juju Baetis, Tungsten Split Case BWO, Barr’s Flashback BWO Emerger, RS-2, Tungsten Hares Ear, Two Bit Hooker, Stubby Stone, Twenty Incher, Kaufman Stone, Jimmy Legs, Psycho Prince,
Colorado Below Glenwood Springs
Flow 2310 cfs. |
Conditions: With our inconsistent spring weather conditions here are now day to day. Still seeing some very productive days when clarity allows, but with the warm temperatures all the way up the Colorado and Eagle, snow melt is bringing visibility down to near zero on others. That being said, action is starting to really pick up from Glenwood Canyon on down stream, when it is not too dirty for flies to be seen. Best results have been on medium to larger searching and Stonefly nymphs with a well presented mix of Midge patterns behind that. Hatches of Midges and Blue Winged Olives have given way to a thick Caddis hatch throughout the lower river, with adult bugs present all day and hatching mid-day to early evening depending on location. Dry flies are certainly a good option, with some stretches producing great action on emerging, crippled and adult Caddis. Flies: Pat’s Rubber Legs, Tungteaser, Bead Prince, Twenty Incher, Tungsten Pheasant Tail, Foam Caddis, Spotlight Caddis Emerger, Elk Hair Caddis, Stimulator, Nitro Caddis, Zebra Midge, Rojo Midge, Poison Tung, Juju Baetis, STD Baetis
Arkansas River Above Buena Vista
Flow: 270 cfs. |
Conditions: River levels have risen below Twin Lakes, but the river still offers a good wade fishing option. The hatches at this level are not yet to the point of the river below Buena Vista, but then again neither are the crowds. Conditions along the upper river will continue to improve daily as water temperatures slowly rise and clarity remains very good. Still a little early for widespread success, particularly in the Hayden Meadows/Kobe area, but if these weather conditions persist, the fish counts will start to climb up there as well. Things will be a little more active as you work down below Balltown, Granite and beyond. Focus your efforts on the deeper, gentler runs and pools that will offer trout an energy conserving lie for this time of year and as the temperatures warm up later in the day, look for fish to venture into feeding lanes. Midges and Caddis Larve will be the primary available food sources, but there are still some fish that will take smaller searching nymphs. Flow is at Granite. Flies: Bead Pheasant Tail, Hot Wire Prince, Rojo Midges, 5-0 Midge, UV Emerger, Poison Tung, Rainbow Warrior, Mercury Midge
Arkansas River Below Buena Vista
Flow: 432 cfs. |
Conditions: Solid fishing on a variety of Midge patterns early in the day. As the day, and water temps warm, Baetis nymphs have been solid through mid day from the Brown’s Canyon area on down. With the warming temperatures, Caddis are now starting to make their way up the river. Currently, the heart of the hatch is just below Salida in Big Horn Sheep Canyon, but that will continue to move up through and above Salida as water temps rise. We have seen adults in limited numbers up past Stone Bridge. With the additional water in the river and some cloud cover, water temps will stabilize and continue to offer multiple choices for food. Be flexible and not afraid to move or switch tactics if you are not having success. Don’t force the Caddis if it is not happening. Make sure to carry a good assortment of Blue Wing, and even some Midge, patterns on the river with you. Truth be told, the Baetis hatch is often far more consistent and productive than the more well attended Caddis. Some action can also be had on Stone fly nymphs as a lead fly in your nymph set up. Flow reading is at Salida. Flies: Bead Head Pheasant Tail # 14-16, Tungstone Golden #12-16, Chartreuse Copper John #12-16, Chartreuse Hot Wire Caddis, Hot Wire Prince, Spotlight Caddis, Foam Caddis, Parachute Extended Body BWO, Winger Parachute, Juju Baetis, Split Case BWO, Zebra Midge, Garcia’s Rojo Midge, RS-2, Caddis Candy and Poison Tung
Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs
Flow: 688 cfs. |
Conditions: At times the river has really seen the impact of the heat in the valley. With snow melt up the Crystal, the river has really taken a hit in the clarity department. This will ebb and flow over the course of any particular day and may offer some windows of opportunity, not just from one day versus the next, but also from morning to afternoon. Also beneficial will be the addition of more water from Ruedi into the Frying Pan, this extra 75 cfs is clean Tail water release. Going forward keep an eye on the flow and look for spikes (particularly from the Crystal) that would indicate a rise in snow melt and reduction in clarity. When the visibility does allow, get out there as action has been solid river wide. Fish have been active for some time now on Midge and Blue Winged Olive nymphs as well as a good compliment of searching nymphs such as the Prince or Tungteaser. In more recent days as water temperatures have risen, an emergence of Caddis has started on the lower river and is offering some great opportunities for rising fish as well. If you are in the area and it is dirty, simply move upstream above the cloudy water, hopefully just at Carbondale, or jump onto the Frying Pan at Basalt. Take advantage of these mild conditions and finish up the day with a soak in the hot springs. Flies: Elk Hair Caddis, Potter’s Pearl and Elk, Stimulators, RS-2, STD Baetis, Tungteaser, Twenty Incher, Bead Prince, Copper John#16-18, Juju Baetis, Barr’s Emerger, San Juan Worm patterns, Parachute Extended Body BWO, Winger Parachute.
South Platte River, Middle Fork
Flow: 22+/- cfs. |
Conditions: River is once again opening up with all the warm weather in the high country. Starting to pick up a bit of action as well. Reports coming in indicate decent success for anglers. Best approach would be with a mix of searching nymphs and egg patterns. Flies: Otter Egg, Red Copper John,Tungsten Pheasant Tail, IED, Hot Wire Prince, STD Baetis, Tungsten Psycho
South Platte, Dream Stream
Flow 104 cfs. |
Conditions: Reports coming in from the Platte have been improving. The first signs of some larger fish moving in from Eleven-mile have been producing a few nice. There also seems to be a couple of pockets of “Stocker Madness”, with cookie cutter 10-12 inch fish all over a dead drift nymph rig. And being that it’s the Platte in Spring, there are a lot of anglers out there. So if a little solitude is what your after, you may want to think twice. The best approach right now is a double nymph rig pairing either a Baetis pattern or maybe an egg as your lead fly and trailing that with a Midge pattern. Flies: Juju Baetis, Barr’s Emerger BWO, Split Case BWO, RS-2, Otter Egg, San Juan Worm, Red Copper John, Jujubee, Barr’s Pure Midge Larva, UV Emerger, Desert Storm
Williams Fork River Below Dam
Flow 18 cfs. |
Conditions: If the current flow is legit and we think it is, please think about looking else where. The stress of extreme low flows on trout is enough with out a bunch of us thrashing the water to a froth. When it does come back up to reasonable flows, we expect solid, low water temperatures. Flies: San Juan Worms, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Miracle Nymph, Otters Egg, Garcia’s Rojo Midge. Baetis nymphs: Juju Baetis, Big Bear Baetis, Barr’s Emerger, Andrew’s 5-0 Midge, Split Case BWO, RS-2. Dries: Para Winger, CDC Baetis Dun, Lawson’s No Hackle, Gulpher Special, Brook’s Sprout Midge, Trailing Shuck Midge.
Antero Reservoir
Conditions: The lake is open as well as the rest of the South Park impoundments and providing fair action for the shore and tube angler. It will not open for trailer launched boats until May 3rd. Until then foot and hand launched only.
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Conditions: Well the day has come and the park is open. Reports for the first couple of days have been overall pretty good, particularly near the boat ramp and Dam. Small streamers seemed to do the trick initially and fly casters along the Dam always start out the year with an assortment of egg patterns. Keep checking back as the days go on, we will try to keep the information as current as possible.
Delaney Buttes Lakes
Conditions: Reports have been pretty solid overall, with all three lakes offering opportunities. The North lake opened first, with some moderate to good results on streamers, Egg patterns and a mix of Midges. The South lake was right behind in thawing and wade anglers are doing well for those bank cruisers. Reports off the East lake have been off the charts for boaters. Flies: Egg Patterns, Bead Pheasant Tail, Bead Hare’s Ear, Copper John, Jumbo Juju, Zebra Midge