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Weekend Preview
It looks like another great weekend weather forecast for the middle of October. In fact, it looks as if the overall weather pattern over the next ten days should offer very comfortable conditions to enjoy these remaining days of fall on the water
A couple of seasonal changes to take note of in the high country. The down stream water call on the Colorado River that has been drawing water from Green Mountain Reservoir, has started to scale back it’s call. Dropping flows on the Blue to 655 cfs. This will have an impact not only on the Blue but, also on the Colorado below Kremmling.
Look for a little more fishable water on the Blue as bank-side seams and pockets become more approachable. However, there will still be limit to wade fishing as this flow will still not allow for crossing.
For the Colorado, the change will also lower the volume in the river from the Blue down, bringing the flows to more seasonable levels. Now holding just under a thousand cfs, this will extend the amount of time needed to cover the distance of any floats on the river. Wade fishing will obviously become a little more comfortable and open up some options.
We are starting to see a littlebit of a change in the fishing in the upper reaches, particularly above State Bridge, as the pressure and change in the season is more evident than downstream. The Browns are definitely showing a lot more color throughout the river corridor and we want to urge anglers to be aware of and respectful of the annual bid to procreate the species. If you happen upon spawning fish, give em a break and move on to other water.
There are definitely some great opportunities out there right now for excellent fishing. So before the rest of the season slips on by, get out there and see if there are a couple of fish you think that need to have their picture taken. While we’re on the subject, if you have any great river shots you want to share, send them in to us and maybe we can post them here as well. If we get enough submissions we could do a little on-line survey and give a prize for viewer’s choice. Let us know what you think.
Check out the detailed river section reports to the right for recommendations on flies to use as well as a more in-depth discussion of the conditions on those river sections.
Please feel free to call us at The Colorado Angler, at any time to discuss any questions and concerns you may have about the current conditions. There is a lot of information here on this page as well as on our main page at but, space is limited and we may not have answered all of your questions. We want to make sure you get the information you are looking for. Toll Free 855-CO TROUT (268-7688) or stop by and see us in the Summit Place shopping center in Silverthorne, next to Blue Moon Bakery, Exit 205 on I-70, then south 1 block. Summer Hours: 7am-7pm
Blue River Below Dillon Reservoir
Flow: 86 cfs. |
Conditions: Fishing has been fair to medium in town as flows have remained steady for several weeks now. Cloudy days have produced pretty good dry fly action on a mix of Blue Winged Olive patterns. This stretch is often over looked as a viable dry fly river, but it is not the river that limits surface activity, rather the conditions and timing that determine the best time to throw dries. On the sunny days nymphing offers the most productive approach, with the aquatic insect imitations slightly more consistent than the Mysis patterns, so make sure to give it a try with both options. Down stream reports have shown good results on Caddis imitations as well as some Parachute Adams and Attractor dries. On the lower river check out the access points at Palmer Gulch and Blue River SWA as well as the Sutton Unit and Forest Service access closer to town. Flies: Flash Back Pheasant Tails #18-14, Flash Back Hare’s Ear #16-14, Nitro Caddis #14-16, Graphic Caddis #16-14, Iron Sally #16-14, Barr’s Tungstone #12-14, Potter Pearl and Elk, Peacock Caddis, Stimulator, H&L Variant, Hippie Stomper, Lawson’s PMD, Burk’s Silhouette Dun. Town Flies: RS-2, UV Emerger, Kingery’s Cap’n Hook, Palm’s Biot Emerger, Black Pheasant Tail, Flashback Pheasant Tail: All in size #20-22,Various Mysis, Winger Parachute BWO, CDC DUn Baetis.
Blue River Below Green Mountain
Flow:655 cfs. |
Conditions: Starting to see the levels drop here once again opening addition wade fishing options. At this level, the river once again offers both wade and some float access. For wade fishermen, this level will pretty much restrict crossing of the river, but will still allow for some great fishing, work all types of water: pockets, riffles, runs and seams as the trout have spread out and are making the most out of this level to feed throughout the river. Look for a few remaining hatches of Caddis and Stones in the Canyon, as well as good amounts of Blue Winged Olives. Flies: Larger size Bead Head Nymphs: #10-12 Hare’s ear, Prince, Tungteaser, Tungsten Rubber Leg Yellow Sally, Stubby Stone, San Juan Flash Worm and Red Hot Worm. Peacock Caddis, Elk Hair Caddis, Designated Hitter, Foamulator, Stimulator, Para Extended Body BWO, Big Bear Baetis, Juju Baetis, Barr’s Emerger, Split Case BWO Floaters should note: The take out that has been used for years is no longer available, that property is now private. For boat take out you now need to continue on down the Blue to the access ramp for the Gore Canyon put-in. this is approximately another mile. Please respect private property rights along the river.
Colorado River Above Kremmling
Flow: 275+/- cfs. |
Conditions: Finally flows have dropped to fish-able levels for the attentive wade fisherman. Nymphing may still be the most productive approach on sunny days, but with these short fall weather events moving through, dry fly fishing can take off with a little cloud cover. Make sure to adjust your depth and weight accordingly as you move around the river. The fish that are being caught are in great shape. Keep in mind that there are multiple access points along this stretch of river with lots of room to accommodate anglers. If a particular access is full (ie.Breeze), check out one of the other sites near by, you may end up with the place to yourself. Flies: San Juan Worm, Otters Soft Milking egg, Barr’s Emerger, Juju Baetis, RS-2, Pheasant Tail, Winter Baetis, Split Case BWO, Sparkle Baetis, CDC Baetis Dun, Lawson’s No Hackle.
Colorado River Pumphouse to Dotsero
Flow: 973 cfs. |
Conditions: Flows have dropped under a thousand for the first time in several weeks. This will open up more wade fishing in Gore Canyon as well as between Pumphouse and State Bridge. Action has tapered off a little bit with mid-day to late afternoon being a little more active, no need to be out there at the crack of dawn with these overnight lows we have been experiencing. Don’t overlook the lower river floats as the lower elevation will extend the season a little bit beyond that at Pumphouse. Nymph fishing is still the most productive method during mid-day and high sun conditions, but if you have time, stick around until evening for two hours of solid dry potential. The late season Blue Wings are making their impact know as well. Definitely work a Baetis nymph into your rig prior to the any surface activity. Get out and enjoy the two best things about this time of year on the Colorado: Fall foliage is starting to pop and the mosquitoes are all but gone. Flies: Bead Pheasant Tails, Jujubaetis, Tungsten Split Case BWO, Barr’s Flashback BWO Emerger, Tungsten Hares Ear, Two Bit Hooker, Stubby Stone, Twenty Incher, Psycho Prince.
Colorado Below Glenwood Springs
Flow 2730 cfs. |
Conditions: River levels have finally dropped into a comfortable level for this stretch. A good option for float and wade anglers now, especially for those looking to escape the crowds on the Roaring Fork. Clarity can experience minor set backs at this time of year depending on any upstream thunderstorms, but overall a relatively solid option for the fall. Give it a try with large heavy nymphs under indicators with additional weight. Look for Baetis as well as a few Caddis hanging on. Flies: Pat’s Rubber Legs, Tungteaser, Bead Prince, Twenty Incher, Morrish’s Anato May, Tungsten Pheasant Tail, Two Bit Hooker.
Arkansas River Above Buena Vista
Flow: 100-137 cfs. |
Conditions: With low flows and overnight temperatures, the river in the Hayden Meadows/Kobe area has started to enter an off season lull. Best bet would be to head down stream a few more miles to at least Granite and below. On the upper river look for fish to be in some of the deeper runs early with Blue Winged Olives offering them a good draw mid day. Fish will be active on nymphs early and have been fairly consistent to dries after 1:30 or so. A few Golden Stones are still in the river in the Buena Vista area as well as the Blue Wings. Note that the flow range on detail is Hayden Meadows the lower number: 100, and the higher number is at Granite. Flies: Bead Pheasant Tail, Hot Wire Prince, Iron Sally, Tung Teaser, Twenty Incher, Chubby Chernobyl, Designated Hitter Golden, Peacock Caddis, Spotlight Caddis, Grillo’s Hippie Stomper, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Sparkle Baetis, Brook’s Sprout Baetis, Parachute Winger Baetis, CDC Para Baetis Dun, Slump Buster Black, Le Marabou Leech.
Arkansas River Below Buena Vista
Flow: 275 cfs. |
Conditions: The river below Buena Vista is fishing very well. Flows are finally getting comfortable for the wade angler as river levels are dropping to fall volumes. A great time of year to fish the canyon water that is now all but deserted of raft traffic. Dry dropper fishing is solid, with a larger Golden Stone pattern holding up a variety of nymph offerings. Try general searching nymphs like Beaded Pheasant Tails and Copper Johns as well as more specific hatch matching flies for the Baetis. Dry fly fishing has also been particularly rewarding on cloudy afternoons and in the evening hours. Flies: Bead Head Pheasant Tail # 12-16, Tungstone Golden #12-16, Copper John #12-16, Chartreuse Hot Wire Caddis, Tungsten Redemption BWO, Split Case BWO, Big Bear Baetis, Barr’s Emerger BWO, Tungsten Yellow Sally Nymph, Designated Hitter Golden, Stimulator, Foamulator, Chubby Chernobyl, Sparkle Baetis, Gulpher Special, Lawson’s No Hackle.
Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs
Flow: 940 cfs. |
Conditions: Fishing continues to impress with good action throughout the day. Nymph fishing has been the more productive method during the day under sunny skies, but with a little cloud cover afternoons have seen solid dry fly action. Clarity remains good as rain showers have been minor. The river between Catherine’s Bridge and Basalt is currently closed to float traffic as this spring’s heavy flows have redirected the river channel into private property. There is talk of a remedy, but until that happens the river is impassable. Up river above Carbondale wade fishing is very productive all the way up to Aspen. Look for Caddis, Golden Stones, Yellow Sallies and Blue Winged Olives. Flies: Tungteaser, Twenty Incher, Bead Prince #12-14, Copper John#12-14, Juju Baetis, Barr’s Emerger, Elk Hair Caddis #12-14, Stimulator #10-16, H & L Variant.
Platte South River, Middle Fork
Flow: 37+/- cfs. |
Conditions: Fall river levels are here and wade fishing is low and easy. Action has remained strong on dry-dropper rigs using a Foamulator or your favorite hopper pattern. there are still a few Caddis along the river and Blue Wings are emerging on cloudy days. Tomahawk or Badger Basin, it’s a push. Flies: Elk Hair Caddis #18, Gulpher Special, Sparkle Baetis, Putterbaughs Foam Caddis, Headlight Yellow Sally, Red Legged Hopper, Stream Bank Hopper, Graphic Caddis, Hare’s ear, Red or Copper flavored Copper John, Tungteaser, Buckskin Caddis, STD Baetis, Tungsten Psycho |
South Platte, Dream Stream
Flow 101 +/- cfs. |
Conditions: Reports coming in from the Platte are spotty to say the least. There are still some Tricos left as well as some Baetis. This is a technical situation that requires a little skill, but the only way to develop that skill is to get out and practice the techniques necessary. As the Baetis start to become more prevalent, action has picked up on Blue Wing patterns and the crowds have pretty well dispersed. Flies: Zebra Midge, Black RS-2, Barr’s Drowned Trico, Trico Spinner, JujuBaetis, Barr’s Emerger BWO, Split Case BWO, Sparkle Baetis, Parachute Adams, Para Winger BWO.
Williams Fork River Below Dam
Flow 91 cfs. |
Conditions: River levels remain at a great flow for a healthy river and solid action. Blue Wings are the ticket here as well as just about everywhere at this time of year. Nymphing in riffles and the tail-outs onto flats and runs is producing good results under mid-day sun. On those days where the weather may be a little more fall like with clouds and a little light drizzle, the surface activity should be a solid option. Flies: Pat’s Rubber Legs, San Juan Worms, Stubby Stones, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Buckskin Caddis, Crane fly Larva, Baetis nymphs: Jujubaetis, Big Bear Baetis, Barr’s Emerger, Split Case BWO, RS-2. Dries: Para Winger, CDC Baetis Dun, Lawson’s No Hackle, Gulpher Special, Brook’s Sprout Baetis.
Antero Reservoir
Conditions: High sun and a lowered lake level have taken their toll. Action has really hit the wall here as water temps have risen to 68-70 degrees. It may be time to give this impoundment a rest until these temps drop to a safer level for trout populations. Note: The Division of Wildlife will once again be doing inspections for invasive species at the boat ramp. Allow for a little extra time before launching any trailered boats. The South boat ramp is only open Friday-Monday, mid-week boaters will have to use the North ramp. As for the Flies: Parachute Extended Body Bead Head Hare’s Ear and Pheasant Tails 12-16, Copper John Chartreuse or Red 14-16,Tung Teaser 12-14, Jumbo Juju all colors 12-16, Yankee Buzzer 12-16, Zebra Midge 20.
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Conditions: This is the better option for those lake fishermen not looking to head to the streams just yet. Action has been a little inconsistent, with results varying from day to day. Fish continue to eat Damsel Fly patterns with decent amounts of interest. Again, using static nymph rigs has been the most consistent, but don’t hesitate to mix it up with the occasional leech or crayfish patterns. Check out the method section under Delaney Buttes Lakes below for more tips to consistently get into fish. Flies: Jumbo Juju all colors 12-16, Hare’s Ear 12-16, Yankee Buzzer, Bead Head PT12-16, Chartreuse Copper John 12-16.
Delaney Buttes Lakes
Conditions: Not too consistent as water temps have steadily risen with the hot weather we have been experiencing. Damsel fly and a few Calibaetis are still a good place to start. Method: As with ALL of these lake options, try to mix it up in your selection until you hit on something that the fish appear to be keying on. A good method is to fish a nymph rig under an indicator with 2 or even 3 different patterns. Present the fish with something to imitate the Calibaetis nymphs, as well as a Chironomid and maybe even a Damsel nymph. Once the action picks up, you can determine if there is preference for a particular bug and then offer other imitations of that insect. Flies: Jumbo Juju 12-16, Yankee Buzzer 12-16, Mercer’s Poxyback Calibaetis, CDC Calibaetis nymph, Wilcox’s Rapunzel, Bead Head Aggravator Olive.